Friday, November 16, 2007

Amen, Sister Friend

The Wanderer has something spot-on to say:

No, alcohol isn't sinful, just like food isn't sinful, just like money isn't sinful.

But oppression of others with your love of money and your drive to get as much of it as possible... is sinful.
Ungratefulness and wastefulness of the overflowing food on your table... is sinful.
Being reckless with your friendships and words as a result of repetative intoxication... is sinful.

And I'm not asking for perfection. I'm asking for confession.
Well put, madam.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the wonder of Wanderer...

Anonymous said...

What if you're me, and you're already reckless with friendships and words? Booze is just a bonus :)