Sunday, September 23, 2007

I May Have Fibbed

I know I promised a super-duper swell post about Homecoming. The thing is, I was actually actively busy almost all day, and now have a chance to actually call my family and go to bed before 11. This is, the way things have been going, almost miraculous.

Entertain yourselves for now with the video I posted late last night/early this morning of my kids soulja boying, and the new links I've added to the side bar (including a whole new category of blog: Secular, but Swell!).

Look, I'll even give you a picture of boys spaying blue stuff in each other's hair.

Heck, I'll even go the extra mile and give you another video.

Yup. That's a girl dressed as a paper football dancing to... something. It's a variety of Latin music I confess myself totally unfamiliar with, but which I found rather entrancing, like a train wreck.

And if I don't know who you are, leave me a comment and introduce yourself. Heck, if you're my parents or some other star-crossed person fated to know me, leave me a comment anyway.


Anonymous said...

58 More Days!

Anonymous said...

I expect to see pictures of you arriving at BWI wearing that paper get-up.

Liz said...

I agree with your Dad... wear the paper get-up