Sunday, April 8, 2007


This is just the best day of the year. Not even of the year, of all eternity. Is there anything better than this? No. I could go on for a long time about how awesome (truly) Eater is, but I will spare you my neophyte drivel and refer you to the new section of links to Catholic blogs to the right.

What is not awesome is that I have to go back to Newark tomorrow and back to getting up at 5:30 on Tuesday. Frankly, I'm not excited. Being home has been, as always, a blessing.

Melissa and Charlie, D.C. Metro

Wood carving, Madonna and Child; Marble statue and stained glass. Both National Gallery of Art

From Pope Benedict's Easter Vigil homily:

"This is the joy of the Easter Vigil: we are free. In the resurrection of Jesus, love has been shown to be stronger than death, stronger than evil. Love made Christ descend, and love is also the power by which he ascends. The power by which he brings us with him. In union with his love, borne aloft on the wings of love, as persons of love, let us descend with him into the world’s darkness, knowing that in this way we will also rise up with him. On this night, then, let us pray: Lord, show us that love is stronger than hatred, that love is stronger than death. Descend into the darkness and the abyss of our modern age, and take by the hand those who await you. Bring them to the light! In my own dark nights, be with me to bring me forth! Help me, help all of us, to descend with you into the darkness of all those people who are still waiting for you, who out of the depths cry unto you! Help us to bring them your light! Help us to say the “yes” of love, the love that makes us descend with you and, in so doing, also to rise with you. Alleluia. Amen!"

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